Jump start your own midlife timeout
At any point in midlife you may decide it’s a great time to take a timeout, giving yourself space and time to re-evaluate and redirect the course of your life. I highly recommend you consider a timeout especially if you’re feeling stretched to the margins, overwhelmed, under-appreciated, or simply restless and discontent.
First, let’s set something straight. How do we define midlife? Psychology Today defines midlife as the period spanning from approximately age 40 to age 65. But each of us is different and really midlife can be anywhere in the middle stages of your life. We’re not counting ages here — if you have any of the above feelings and want a time out — join in the fun!
Why should I consider a timeout?
Midlife can be hard, especially for women who are often caregivers. At this point in our life, we often have many demands on our time and energy. And typically, we’ve had some changes and challenges, frequently occurring without warning and often having significant impacts on our lives.
In addition to the demands society places on us, and the numerous changes and challenges that strike us, Psychology today says:
“It (midlife) can be a stressful time, as many people come to feel discontented and restless as they struggle with aging, mortality, and holding onto a sense of purpose.
Psychology Today, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/conditions/midlife
Now is a good time for a little soul searching
To navigate midlife with simplicity, grace and wisdom, we benefit from stepping back to ask ourselves some important questions as we explore what it means to live our one life well. Gandhi said that “your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.”
How easy it is for us to slip into patterns and habits if we miss the opportunity to chart our own course!

Jumpstart your midlife timeout
The easy way to jumpstart your midlife timeout is to begin by asking yourself questions about where you are now and where you’d like to be in life. I’ve created a simple jumpstart guide to get you started!
The Midlife Timeout Jumpstart Guide will take you through five simple steps to create an action plan for this next phase of your life. In just 30-60 minutes, you can begin to assess your strong points and areas of opportunity, how you are living versus how you would like to be living, and identify some steps you might take to reach your goals and fulfill your calling and purpose in life.
To live well, we must choose our destiny, in and among the “messy middle” circumstances that God has given us, and work toward our vision and God’s vision for our life every single moment.
May God give you the time and space you need to begin a Midlife Timeout journey. May you seek and find wisdom in this stage of your life, today!