Farewell, 2021
I bid you farewell, 2021! But before we part ways, let’s take a moment to reflect on the year.
If 2020 felt like a whitewater kayak ride, as it did (see Reflecting on 2020: A Year of Change). Then, 2021 has been more of traveler’s journey.
As I began the year, in Lighten up 2021, I spoke of deep processing of our first pandemic year — and heavy expectations pressuring my heart for 2021. I felt God saying to me, to us, to:
Remember this,
You're meant to travel lightly,
Rest your body and soul,
And live your purpose
In small daily and tiny steps.
I felt as if I’d been climbing forever
And, I needed rest. Oh, how I needed rest.
And so I set out at a steady pace, determined not to rush or push 2021 one bit. But to let the journey unfold, one tiny step at a time.
I realized, I must resist old patterns over-thinking and of making things harder than they need to be. I needed to clear out the clutter of the prior year, and even years prior.
And so I set my intentions to traveling lightly
The words are right there for me to see, the “traveling lightly” way. “Rest your body and soul, and live your purpose in small daily, tiny steps.”
If we’re traveling lightly, resting, and living our purpose each day, we’re going the right way. We’re on the path.
I determined to step lightly forward, all year, reminding myself and us, again and again, to find our own rhythm and pace.

And now, we stand on the threshold of 2022.
Like travelers, we’ve reached a natural place to stop for a bit and explore the vistas of the path behind. We are at a plateau, a small resting place, a bench on which to sit and reflect.
Here, as we prepare to enter 2022, let’s pause to notice how far we’ve come. Let’s ask ourselves good questions about our journey and the threshold in which we stand.

Transitions are reflection opportunities
In these short days as one year ends and another begins, we’re in a liminal in-between place that invites contemplation. While insights may elude us, we can simply rest into this discomfort and keep asking good, curious questions.
As answers come, they’ll point the way forward.
Here are threshold questions for you
Always, a new year is a threshold. And, standing on the threshold invites us to examine the threshold where we stand. We look at what we’re leaving and where we’re entering.
If you want to travel lighter into 2022, consider questions such as:
- Where did my journey take me in 2021? And what did I learn from the year?
- What did I carry? And are there any burdens I can leave behind, so that I might travel lighter still? What must be carried forward and what do I want to carry forward?
- Did I forget to pack anything that I might want to add for 2022?
- Do I have the right traveling companions, ones that encourage and support me?
- And, where do I see myself at the end of the year?
It’s a soft farewell, not a hard goodbye to 2021
Rest into these questions, my friend. And as you rest, let your shoulders drop and feel your breath slow again. Remember that you don’t need all of the answers right now. They’ll come, with time.
Let your load feel lighter, easier. Rest.
We stand at the threshold of new ventures
The journey continues into a new year. And, I’m realizing more and more that this is a lifelong journey, a wandering path ahead. In The Soul of a Pilgrim (a beautiful book by the way), Christine Valters Paintner says of her pilgrim journey:
“The inner pilgrim in me feels the call of moving outward. My inner pilgrim feels a longing to travel. She wants to walk across new landscapes and find herself a stranger. This helps me release what I know and enter into a deeper truth I can only find when I wander.”
Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim
We’re called to wander, on our journeys
The wandering traveler’s rhythm calms our minds and speaks to our hearts. It calls us to keep walking on, to continue to:
- Live our purpose,
- Rest and reflect,
- Take small daily and tiny steps forward,
- Enjoy the beauty around us,
- Rest more, and reflect,
- And, with a traveler’s mindset say our farewells and our hellos,
- With grateful hearts,
- As we go further up and further down the path.
“Wanderer, there is no way, the road is made by walking.”
Antonio Machado, Proverbios y Cantares
Hello, 2022!
A stirring of the soul and mind was what I felt as I read this . Grateful for this and you dear amazing friend Elaine.