Some days I want to pull the Lazy Elaine card
Sometimes I am tired, overwhelmed, and just want to “pull the Lazy Elaine card.” But what sounds like a good idea in the short-term, isn’t always so good for me.
Last Saturday, I pulled the card. It was -10 degrees fahrenheit and my husband wanted to go for our usual morning walk with the dog. We had eased into the morning on the weekend so I was snuggled up in my chair, reading a good book — and the LAST thing I wanted to do was bundle up and go out in the cold. So I (figuratively) laid that card right out on the table and sent him out on his own, because most days this guy just can’t be stopped. I enjoyed my relax time!
But this morning, at -15 degrees, while I wished I could pull that Lazy Elaine card again, the “We got this, Elaine” card came up instead. I like to think I have a choice each day, but the truth is I am not awake enough at 5:45 am to make a rational choice. Fortunately I am married to a guy that knows he does better if he and that yellow dog (and I) have a good two-mile walk each morning — and he’s got enough self-discipline for the three of us. So, after quietly mentioning, “you know it’s -15 degrees out there, right?” and adding a few layers, off we went.

And it got me to thinking about that Lazy Elaine card …
Sometimes I need a break, yes. But more often, the chore in front of me is not really that daunting. Like today, I had cold-weather gear to keep me warm and going for a walk really wasn’t that challenging despite the frigid temperature.
And if I pull that card too often, I miss out on pieces of life that are so good for me! Starting my day with a good walk gets me moving physically and mentally. The Labrador gets her exercise and she settles down for the rest of her day. My husband and I get to share highlights of our upcoming day and connect in very many important ways. And we all feel better!
Sometimes you just have to play the decision out …
When I am faced with that Lazy Elaine feeling, it helps me to look at the longer term consequences. It may feel good to procrastinate or avoid now, but what impact will this have later in the day? Will I still reach my goals?
One of my top goals right now is living healthy and that means being active. I can skip a day now and then, but I most certainly wouldn’t benefit from skipping my walk all week.
And going for a walk is just one example. That Lazy Elaine card steps into my life to cause trouble in all kinds of situations.
The Lazy Elaine (or insert your name here) card is a trick card
The Lazy Card can make us feel like we are taking care of ourselves. But it’s a trickster sometimes. If we’re not watching, our minutes of laziness can turn into hours or even days!
Sometimes we drift into laziness to avoid our big tasks. We allow urgent to override important. Or worse yet, we waste our time not even truly relaxing, but doing meaningless activities. If we’re not paying attention, we wake up and realize that our goals drift further in front of us, lost in the current.
Choose your hand wisely; play your Lazy Card(s) carefully
Sometimes it’s okay and we really do need a break. Save that Lazy Card for when you really need it! And put your energy into building yourself up physically, mentally and emotionally.