Living with discipline and intention
A final word: Control what you can control series
I’m learning that living with discipline and intention is the way to living out your purpose in life. Perhaps you, like me, have lived too long thinking you needed to “find you purpose.” This just leads us to feeling like we are missing out on the big things in life while being overwhelmed with the daily acts of living.
But there’s a much different way. When we learn to be content living imperfectly in the moment, we can discover we are living out our purpose simply by leaning into who we are and what we’re called to do right now, today. We needn’t strive for the perfect path, perfect life — that’s an impossible task. It’s unnecessary pressure.
The alternative to pressure is to just BE
Simply be ourselves. Yourself. That crazy wonderful person that looks at you in the mirror every day. Yep, that one.
In my experience, that gal’s a hot mess most days. But you know what? I guarantee you the girl in your mirror has a great heart and a strong soul.
That woman in your mirror is on the battlefield day after day, taking on her own Goliath, watching out with a fierce heart for those she loves. She’s a Mama Bear and I wouldn’t dare to stand between her and a child or even a parent that needs help.
And yet, some days are hard.
Sometimes our messiness overwhelms us
When this picture was taken back in October, I’d just come from presenting my book proposal to an editor. I’d gotten a soft no, not yet, and my heart was wobbly and uncertain.

My glasses had turned dark in the bright sun and the photographer asked me to take them off. You have to understand I’ve worn glasses since I was 17. They’re part of my identity, who I am — right?! Turns out glasses are not my identity. Not. even. close.
And that “no” from an editor? It’s not my identity and it doesn’t define my purpose. Because (I’m learning) my purpose is to live out who I am with determination and intention. This still isn’t my favorite picture but it’s me, imperfect, among some beautiful flowers.
She may not be fancy but she’s fierce
You’re on your way to being your own unique masterpiece, to living out your purpose, with discipline and intention, day by day. One way to think about it is living the repurposed way.
I just finished reading Jordan Lee Dooley’s “Own Your Everyday.” Jordan is a gal after my own heart and her words brought much-needed fire to fuel my sense of purpose. I am an avid reader and books often are like flaming bushes pointing me to him and truths I need to hear.
And, I believe that this book was a much-needed message helping me better understand how to wrap up this series.
Control what you can with discipline and intention
“Instead of pouting about what you can’t control, learn to implement discipline and intentionality in things you can control.”
Jordan Lee Dooley, Own your everyday
Keep stepping forward imperfectly, friends. And may you hear God’s whispers on your soul, giving you strength and purpose for your everyday journey.
Oh Elaine a beautiful much needed message to wrap up this amazing series! Thank you, thank you, thank you