But first, a toast to 2019
I have been looking forward to 2020, anxious to turn the page to a new year and start anew, but first I need to offer a toast to 2019! I’m not done with last year yet. I need to look back, reflect and learn, and most of all say thank you!
They say “live in the moment,” “be present,” and “live, love, laugh.” I did this more than ever in 2019. But while I paid attention to the moments — the days, weeks, months and even the year spun faster and faster. Now on day three of 2020 — I need to stop and acknowledge 2019.

A toast to 2019: a roller coaster of a year!
2019 was a good year, chock full of milestones, challenges met and mastered, and time with family and friends. It’s just that it was a bit of a roller coaster, with twists and turns I couldn’t have anticipated.
To give you a sampling, here are a few highlights:
- January brought the trip of a lifetime to Australia and New Zealand. Koala bears and kangaroos, oh my! Such fun.
- February brought my husband’s retirement from the U.S. Army Reserves. We hopped from New Zealand to Hawaii, where after 31+ years, Wolfgang said goodbye to his “second job.”
- We entered 2019 thinking we we had reached the end of a major downstairs flooring project, but we were sadly wrong. Baseboard nails continued to spring loose from the pipes intermittently over the first quarter, flooding the new flooring. We dubbed the venture Floorpocalypse and filed an insurance claim, finally finishing the project in March.
- In May, Wolfgang took a promotion at his job.
- I continued with frequent trips to Oregon to assist dad, mom and my stepdad. In June, I received notice of apartments available on short notice in an assisted living facility in a nearby town — and moved all three parents from their current living situations to their new homes.
- Summer 2019 was full of cultivating my garden, spending time with family and friends, and travel experiences in Alaska, Oregon and Boston.
- In August, our oldest daughter began a master’s program and my father in law celebrated his 80th birthday.
- In September, I took an unexpected trip to Oregon to deal with medical emergencies, thankfully resolved.
- October brought weekend retreats and vet visits.
- November was a fantastic writing conference and an unexpected opportunity to spend time with a good high school friend.
- And then in December, we took a weeklong vacation, celebrated our daughter’s and niece’s college graduations, and said goodbye to one of our dogs. Plus I spent a week in Oregon with family.
A toast to 2019: great intentions and solid progress!
As I stop to ponder, I realize a few lessons I learned and things I did well. And of course, with my 2020 vision (pun intended!), I’ve much to improve on also.
Top successes:
- Going with the flow.
- Trusting God for the outcomes and remaining faithful to the task at hand.
- Focusing on my health.
- Being in the moment with friends and family.
- Learning better boundaries (I am not responsible for everyone and everything).
- Exploring my creativity and finding my voice.
Top areas to improve on for 2020:
- All of the above. For while I had some successes, I want to lean into these same areas even further in 2020.
As I look back, I realize how I struggled to establish routines and rhythm. With so many big events, challenges and opportunities, my head was spinning! I’ve so much to work on and I know I am on the right path.
A toast to 2019: amazing travel partners!
Thank you to my family and friends for continued support, love and especially grace. Thank you to the growing list of readers supporting my writing. And most of all, thank you to an ever loving, all knowing gracious God above.
And so, 2020, I am now ready to step slowly into your presence
Be kind to us!
As you step into 2020, what have you learned from 2019? How will you approach the new year? Please share your comments and thoughts! I look forward to sharing my 2020 vision with you next week!