
Finding peace in the chaos

Finding peace in the chaos isn’t always easy, but some days it is essential. Today was one of those days. Today, the world seemed crazy with the pandemic and recent racial injustices sparking internet and personal conversations. My neighborhood, normally tranquil during the day, was a-buzz with noisy home projects.

I felt scattered and untethered, unable to focus. I needed to be STILL, to quiet my thoughts and the world around me.

What do you do when you need space?

Often, I head for the mountains or water. One or the other usually does the trick. Throw in beautiful scenery, the sounds of birds or moving water, and a nice breeze — and I’m almost assured to settle back into my bones.

Today was no different. I drove as high as you can get in Anchorage, up to the Chugach State Park, just below Flattop Mountain. From there, I could see Anchorage laid out below me from north to south, and east to west. Across Cook Inlet Sleeping Lady was visible through scattered showers. And Flattop itself was majestic with the clouds billowing behind it.

My way of finding peace in the chaos was to escape on the Anchorage Overlook Trail below Flattop Mountain.

Slowing down felt like a luxury

And yet a timeout was so necessary for me to find my footing today. I left plenty undone — but I feel better. I didn’t solve the world’s problems and the neighborhood is still noisy — but my soul is quieter.

Two and a half months ago, I left my parents in Oregon as the pandemic took its hold. I took a similar timeout then, hiking up Barnes Butte in Central Oregon. That day, I was also struggling with so many concerns and worries that I couldn’t solve.

We have to break free of the noise

I need these breaks to let God whisper in my heart, remind me that He has a plan. He has the details, so I can let them go. I’m not the God of the Universe, but I know Him!

Yes, the world feels chaotic and unjust actions taint it further. I’m reminded of how Jesus wept over Jerusalem, saying “How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace.” (Luke 19:41)

We find peace first in our hearts

We can and must find peace especially when the world seems chaotic. We must do our part to help create peace and fairness in this world. We need to speak up when someone does wrong, be a voice for the unheard, and champion those who need our help.

And sometimes we need to hear God speak into our hearts to understand just what we can and should do on a given day. At the end of the day, our job is to focus on our lane, the part assigned specifically to us.

Today was one of those days for me. I don’t have all the answers after my walk, but I do have peace in his purpose, hope in his promises, and strength for a new day.

May you take time to still your heart when the world feels chaotic. May you find rest and renewal in God’s purpose. And may you have peace in his purpose, hope in his promises, and strength for each day.

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  1. I love the new format! Such great perspective, thoughts, and cues to remember to stop, notice, breath and accept. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for the feedback, Amy! Yes, exactly — stopping to breathe, notice and accept is so needed. And also refueling your body, mind and soul!

  2. My thoughts are with you in this chaotic time. I promise myself 1 hour a day to ride my stationery bike and step away from it all. I get my 92 year old. Mother back for 6 weeks. She is not able to get into assisted cares as planned due to the pandemic. Hopefully by fall we can get her placed in the center we want. In the meantime we will give. My brother a break afte r 6 months and have her with us. Take care, keep centered!

    1. Anne, it’s good to hear from you! I am so glad that you’re also fiercely protecting your time to yourself. Biking is such good exercise — and an hour a day, wow! This pandemic has certainly changed things on many fronts and the assisted living homes are so deeply impacted. Not being able to get her in is difficult on the one hand, but having her move in and then be under such isolation restrictions would also be very hard. I know my parents are struggling with the isolation. Thankfully we can video chat every day. Sending good thoughts. Stay fierce with your self care, my friend!

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